Here is the Rth part of the popular idioms and usages. Hope you read the previous versions.
Rabbit and pork: Talk. It’s a Cockney Rhyming Slang.
Rack and Ruin: Extreme poverty.
Raining cats and dogs: Raining heavily.
Raining stair rods: Raining heavily.
Raise Cain: To create trouble.
Rat arsed: drunk.
Read the riot act: To warn someone from behaving wrongly.
Red letter day: Any special day.
Red tape: The bureaucracy.
Ring down the curtain: To end something.
Ring fencing: to guarantee the protection of funds for a project.
Rise and shine: To wake up.
Road rage: Angry behavior by drivers in road.
Rock and boulder: Shoulder. Cockney Rhyming slang.
Rosie Lea: Tea. Cockney rhyming slang.
Rough diamond: Someone not socially polished, but with good character.
Route-one: The original, direct way to achieve something.
Rub a dub: Pub. Cockney rhyming slang.
Rule of thumb: Common practice.
Rum do: A puzzling and embarrassing incident.
Run amuck: Go wild.
Run out of steam: Lose energy.
More of the idioms and usages will be added as the days come.
Special Notification:
The blog’s design has now been put under scrutiny. Now the blog has returned to the basic Blogger design of New Denim. When I had the WP Premium Red design on, the visitor response was rather shocking. Most of the visitors turned out to be bounces. Most visitors spent less than one minute here, and some left as they came spending zero second according to Analytics.
While I am investigating the reason behind these shocking stats, I decided to put the quick-loading easy template for some time and drop all the extra widgets. Another important thing is that the Adsense widget served on the sidebar got as minimum clicks as possible during these seven days. So, I have now slightly changed it. Give me your views of this design.
Also, the Blogger is rather reluctant in creating template that validate in W3C validation system. None of the blogs created here are entirely valid. It is up to the template designer to design a blog that validates. So, I have decided to give a try at getting the WP Premium theme validated. This work is ongoing. I hope that I will get it validated in some days and be able to post normally with it on.
Copyright © Lenin Nair 2008
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